Recent Videos

ZRDC VIDEOS Playlist 1

ZRDC VIDEOS Playlist 2

Additional Video

ZRDC 2023 Innovations Award | Emmanuel Shalubala | My Budget Delivery App

Fostering Innovation and Capacity Building: The Story of ZRDC

ZRDC 2023 National Awards Nominees | Bruce Nanchengwa | Automatic Nshima Cooking Machine

ZRDC 2023 National Innovations Awards Nominees | Jane Nakasamu | Smart Biogas Digester

ZRDC 2023 National Innovations Awards Nominee | Taizya Kapula | Smart Gardening System

ZRDC 2023 Awards Nominee | Niza Zulu | Febi Smart System

ZRDC Videos

ZRDC is committed to providing valuable video content aimed at fostering innovation and knowledge sharing for national development. Our video initiatives strive to facilitate international collaboration, promote knowledge exchange, and empower individuals with valuable insights. Through our video content, we aim to address various societal challenges, promote industrial and technological advancements, and inspire positive change. ZRDC believes that by sharing informative and engaging videos, we can contribute to the progress and development of our society, empowering individuals and communities to thrive.